Sunday, February 18, 2007

A day of to recover...

Friday night I went and watched "Ghost Rider" and I needed to take a few asprin afterwards from the horribly cheesy dialogue. Since this is a music site, I looked up the soundtrack on I-Tunes so I could talk crap about it. I assumed it was all metal bands like Nickelback and Saliva, but it was actually the score for the movie. Huh...

So, upon my day away on Saturday.... I noticed something. While on I-Tunes, I accidentally clicked on the "Black Snake Moan" Soundtrack. Lo and behold, I found something so bad and great at the same time...


"Old MF" himself sings three tracks on the "Black Snake Moan" soundtrack, most notable a track called "Stack-O-Lee", a track that makes Dolemite seem lame...

You can get it for free here:

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