Last I heard Lassie Foundation was on Velvet Blue, due to their Jeff Cloud (Joy Electric, SF59) connection and the Halo Friendlies broke up when they got signed to Warner. Hmmm....
Corgan has been notably more vocal about his faith in the past years which is pretty evident on the Zwan album (which is amazing!) and has helped out bands like Blindside and Sleeping At Last.
Whatever the case, people are just looking forward to a good album, so please give us that Billy.
I just cant wait for zeigest. Im surprised you never reported on the smashing pumpkins cover of the new cd getting stolen by kids and billy corgan prosecuting the with fines of up to 50,000 dollars. Love the blog yo! Represent!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I reported on enough SP lately, the new album cover is out now. Also someone trashed their practice space. Thanks for reading!
Interesting. I wonder if this means I could get away with interviewing Billy on top-40 Christian radio now. You think??
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