Jon Bon Jovi (pictured above as the douchebag who went out with your older cousin in 1986), is throwing some kind of fit because there is a drink called Mijovi. It's not even the same name. What a whiny turd. Go back to singing country unplugged music and starring in cheap vampire flicks. Remember when he ate it in U-571? Me either.
sounds to me like YOU are the one who is being whiny, and having a hissy fit!!! Don't you have anything better to do with your time???
Seriously, you're spending your time complaining about an amazing man, you're clearly jealous.
I don't know what your problem is with Jon BonJovi but he is a remarkable artist. kristyn must be right, JEALOUS!!!!
I don't know what your problem is with Jon but he's a remarkable artist. kristyn must be right, JEALOUS!!!
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