Everytime people are all like "Mute Math is sooo cool" I can't help but think that their singer used to be the rap dude in EarthSuit and think pretty much the opposite of what they are trying to tell me...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Davey Davey Bro Party Davey...
We have been kind of busy here at the city, but we'll have some more posts up soon.
Check this out, I was at the movies last night and since this isn't out on DVD, watch this very very poor quality pirate clip from "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" featuring a side of Dave Matthews we all knew...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Jon Bon Crabby

Jon Bon Jovi (pictured above as the douchebag who went out with your older cousin in 1986), is throwing some kind of fit because there is a drink called Mijovi. It's not even the same name. What a whiny turd. Go back to singing country unplugged music and starring in cheap vampire flicks. Remember when he ate it in U-571? Me either.
The Offspring...

...are working on a new album, which will suck. Remember how in 1995 people were all like "the offspring are awesome!" and then they started making novelty hits to keep on that cash cow. Not that their old stuff was great, but it is hard to maintain some kind of integrity with hits like "pretty fly for a white guy" and "original pranksta", do us all a favor and break up so that guitar player dude can go back and do his next failed project and so that the singer guy who looks like a "Chet" can go back to talking about his rockstar days to his other video game playing, WWE loving, Jnco wearing, faux jock science bros. "Dudes, the Offspring is playing, bust out the Heinekens!"
Harry Nilsson?

I have heard that guy's name related to music before, but I have no clue what he sang or wrote. There is supposed to be a documentary about him, but I haven't seen it. All I really know is that Sean Nelson from Harvey Danger is singing his stuff.
Nelson Sings Nilsson.
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Perry Farrell (who looks like Tim Kinsella with aids) and his band, Satellite Party, are hitting the road pretty heavy to bring their brand of oversexed, overdrugged, overhyped trite to a city near you soon. Even better than Satellite Party -getting your ear bitten off by Mike Tyson. I even heard that dude from Extreme was in this band. *rolls eyes*
Fugees? Nope.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Talk .... Get Hit.
Remember how we were telling you how that drummer from Dillinger quit to join the bro-love that is Coheed and Cambria?
The dudes in Dillinger got a little ticked off and talked mad crap:
"We found out about him playing with Coheed on the Internet. We were questioning keeping him in the band every day because it was embarrassing. But obviously, we felt that his talent was so needed for the band that we tried to make it work, and we let him go through this little midlife crisis or whatever it was, because we never thought he'd join that band over this band. It doesn't make sense.
The funny thing is, before all of this started going down, he used to make fun of that band, left and right. He'd imitate [Coheed & Cambria's Claudio Sanchez's] voice and would say, 'They .... suck' and all this ....
When Chris hears our record, he's going to feel like a real @$$hole, He blew it. This guy Gil [Sharone, the DEP's new drummer] we have playing on this, his drumming is unbelievable on this record. Some of the best drumming we've ever had on any of our records. And now, Gil is going to be known as the guy for this kind of thing."
This upset drummer dude pretty bad:
"It is a little disheartening to read what the guys have been saying about me. I still love the band and I still love the music. But there was some internal strife there and things were happening that I did not agree with. It is what it is, if they want to handle it that way then fine, I don’t want a shit-shouting match or to be a posterboy for somebody else’s press campaign."
I guess it is disheartening, but this guy was in this band for a while. A band that would seriously crotch punch each other on stage. Funny how that works eh?
Still... Coheed over Dillinger? What was he smoking?
Friday, July 13, 2007
Dragging no more...

Colorado's Drag The River (comprised of members from ALL, Hot Rod Circuit and ArmChair Martian) had split paving the way for Armchair Martian's return coming soon. Meanwhile, the dude from ALL, the dude from Hot Rod Circuit, and another guy from the band have went on to be Rocky Votolato's backup band.
Joey Cape

Joey Cape has been a very busy man, splitting his duties with Lagwagon, Me First and Gimme Gimmes, and a million other projects, he had decided to make an acoustic album which will be his second outing in this way (his last effort was his split with No Use For A Name's Tony Sly). It should be out around April.
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Planes Mistaken For Stars are planning their farewell tour as you read this. While their last couple of albums weren't exactly my cup of tea, I did manage to catch them a few years back and let me tell you... it was loud, sweaty, dirty, and it pretty much rocked my face off. Look out for the last dates and go to one of them, you'll never regret it.
That was just cold...

...cold stupid that Snow Patrol's Tom Simpson tried to sneak drugs through airport security and now has to face court time and possible jail time. You may be one butt ugly dude, but you should try to fill that void that drugs fill with the fact that your band is the hot thing right now and that should keep you happy.
Our Condolences...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Keane on the Environment
Thursday, July 5, 2007
The Missing Link...
Helms Alee

When you are online pining over bands you miss, you find out all sorts of interesting stuff. Did you know the guy from Harkonen/Roy has a new band? Check that stuff out!
Helms Alee's Myspace
Monday, July 2, 2007
Blindside is back?
what more do you want from me
I just found this and had to post it. I couldn't find the first part but heres the second part:
read it and weep. everyone cross your fingers and or pray to whatever god you can. because knowing this band in a month the news will change. whatever happened to that dvd???
and if anyone has the few live tracks sean did with dillinger...youd be our newfound friend.
read it and weep. everyone cross your fingers and or pray to whatever god you can. because knowing this band in a month the news will change. whatever happened to that dvd???
and if anyone has the few live tracks sean did with dillinger...youd be our newfound friend.

Thursday is going back to victory records.
Mixing a crap band with a crap label that they used to make crap on always works to ensure that more crap will be made. Hot topic and Warp Tour kids, get ready. The crap is coming.

Weezer (pictured above in their "good" period) are working on a new album to be released in early 2008.
If it doesn't have Matt Sharp playing on it, it's gonna be just like their last three albums- BAD.
Band of Horses

Band of Horses are working on a new album, and from what I hear, their move from the NW to the South has greatly influenced the record. Chances are, it's still going to be amazing.

Rod Stewart got injured the other day performing and had to get stitches...
Knowing what we know about Rod, the stitches are located in a very unflattering place...
Devendra's new album...

Devendra Banhart has a new album in the works and is embarking on a North American tour soon.
I can't pinpoint it, but he has always reminded me of someone else...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

For Those in the know...Okkervil River is set to release an EP Titled The Stage Names. Though it is not due till August the better half of the internet savvy music world will no doubt have their hands on this beforehand ( ahem ). This Coupled with Shearwater's Re-release through Matador have most men, not ashamed to admit they cry, weaping for joy.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Billy Corgan breaks your heart once again...
I could talk all the crap in the world on this one, but pitchfork said it perfectly:
When not challenging the Arcade Fire in style, Interpol have been busy writing and recording their much anticipated major label debut. The band is comprised of the mafia hitman dude, the dude who wants to look like Arcade Fire, thr mortician, and the wolf looking guy. Indie kids left and right are gonna go nuts for this... Oh Yeah! We found the cover early for you:

party like it's 1995

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Oh Boy...
Hey Hot Topic Kids!
Ken Stringfellow's The Disciplines

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Just Quit Already

"The Dr. Feelgood band sued one of their managers Monday, claiming that Carl Stubner made business decisions with his own interests in mind and gave Lee bad career advice, which in turn tarnished the group's image."
Tarnished Image? SHUT UP! You tarnished it from the beginning. Just face the fact that comebacks don't come to everybody, especially washed up 80's hair metal bands.
Due us a favor and break up for good or only tour Japan, where 5 people bought your last album.
Happy Birthday Nick Drake!
Bobby Bobby Bobby...

Bad, stop it! Now!
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